Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Singing Doll

This was my first song written and composed for my high school sweetheart, Rebecca Demabildo in 1968.

"My Singing Doll"
Rebecca was a music lover. She had various popular songs copied in some of her notebooks. Being inspired as her boy friend, I wanted to write something for her.  Since I was also a music lover, follower of pop group singers like the Herman Hermits, Gary Lewis and the Peacemakers, The Beatles, The Bee Gees, among others, I did play the guitar.

Then as a music student, I wanted to put what I learned from our music teacher. I wanted to become a music writer, a song composer. Rebecca came to my mind. So, I took time to compose and write my first song for her.

And "My Singing Doll" came to being, which later rejected by one of our high music teachers as a recitative kind of musical composition. That was the first frustration, I had had in my life. But my sweetheart kept on inspiring me. She said, "I love the song you made for me."

Here's the song which I embed it in a video for others to hear and to listen. Remember this is an amateur song composition. I sing it as I play the acoustic guitar. Click to listen to the song.

"My Singing Doll"

Happy listening!


  1. It's admirable that you can compose songs.

  2. Good enough for an amateur so keep it up. :)

  3. Bongga lang sir! Me I composed my first song when I was 13, it was a song for God :)

  4. What musical instruments do you play? Judging by the piece, it's piano right and what else?

  5. Wow, great skills you have! It's such a great talent whenever you can compose and sing great songs.

  6. The song really rhymes and also has a good tune.

  7. ang galing... I am sure Rebecca kept this song forever.

  8. That's very impressive. I like the song it's beautiful!

  9. You are very romantic and very talented Sir:-) Every woman will melt their heart when you compose a beautiful song and sing it for her.

  10. very romantic! I agree with all the comments above!

  11. this is very romantic and she is lucky because a song was made after her

  12. I couldn't agree more, you are very talented and romantic too! Walang sinabi yung mga throwback Thursday posts sa IG and FB!

  13. I like the song and the thought in it. Keep it up, sir!

  14. That's a lovely song! With simple lyrics, you are able to execute it meaninfully and that's really called talent.

  15. The song is very beautiful and romantic. You are so sweet Sir Gil :D

  16. You have talent to compose and sing; comes from your heart.

  17. This is so sweet. I think having a song composed for you is the ultimate expression of love.

  18. how sweet and very romantic. but more romantic if it comes from a dad.

  19. Wow! this really gave me goosebumps in a good way!. The paper from 1968 is so cool! you should keep that sir for the next three decades :))

  20. i always love the sound of guitars reason why i love listening to acoustic songs the sound of your music is very nice! you should upload more!

  21. You really have talent in writing songs and expressing your emotions through writing.

  22. This song shows a love inspiration, Sir Gil I'm just wondering if Rebecca was from Ilo-Ilo? My Maternal relatives are Demabildos in Dumangas :)

    1. My wife has told that there are many relatives they have in Dumancas according to her late father, Marciano Sinega Demabildo. He grew up in Crossing Sibucao, San Enrique, Negros Occidental.

    2. I'm sure one of the relatives of my mom, small world :)

  23. I had a similar experience, but on the singing part. I've long accepted the fact that singing is not my cup of tea. Nevertheless, I love listening to music.

  24. It is nice to know that you can sing and compose your own songs.

  25. I can only imagine that kilig moments when you offered this song to Rebecca! :)

  26. Wow! How I wish someone would also be willing (or inspired) to write or compose a song for me. This is so nice :)

  27. awww so sweet! my son loves to sing, wish he will be as romantic as you :)

  28. Wow you are so versatile and really have an infinite love for your wifey Rebecca, sir Gil. Lucky wife…she must have been so kilig that time….madam Rapunzel (haba ng hair hehe)


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